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Published on May 22nd, 2018 | 1205 Views


3 children’s books to get summer-ready

Picture book

Pirates of Scurvy Sands by Jonny Duddle
One of my favourite picture books in recent years has been The Pirates Next Door by Jonny Duddle (Templar Publishing, £6.99) because it is funny and has a great message about prejudice, so when the sequel The Pirates of Scurvy Sands by Jonny Duddle (Templar Publishing, £11.99) came out earlier this year I couldn’t wait to review it. I think the new book makes for a sweet summer read, as Matilda goes on holiday with the pirate family, attends kids club and eats holiday food. This too has an unexpected twist, and brings a smile to my face. In fact, I’ve bought many copies of the book for party bags for a pirate party!

Transitioning to chapter books

Claude on Holiday by Alex T Smith 
If you’re going away for half term and need a beach read for a young reader who is transitioning to chapter books, Claude on Holiday by Alex T Smith (Hodder Children’s Books, £5.99) is a funny book with a fitting theme. Claude, which will become a Disney Jr celebrity from June, is a dog who ventures out into the world with his friend Sir Bobblysock as soon as his owners have gone out for the day. It is part of a series of books, and so far, none of the Claude books we’ve been through have disappointed. In Claude on Holiday, Claude tries to get an understanding of how to dress for the beach, order ice cream and take part in other essential summer activities. A great beach read!

Chapter book

The Fintastic Diary of Darcy Dolphin by Sam Watkins
Over half term last year, I remember relaxing on a subbed and reading about Darcy Dolphin, which I was reviewing at the time, and it quickly became a favourite chapter book (children aged 6 and over). Readers are taken on a journey under the sea to hear about Darcy and her friends in the diary-style book The Fintastic Diary of Darcy Dolphin by Sam Watkins (Egmont, £5.99), which is packed with play on words. Darcy is a well-meaning Dolphin who in her efforts to be kind often get into unexpected trouble. A hilarious book for the beach!

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