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Published on May 18th, 2016 | 1224 Views


Continuing breastfeeding after baby gets teeth

‘The tooth has nobody to play with’

Big Girl looked very sad when Baby Boy got his first tooth at five months. She was concerned about his tooth not having a friend. By the time he’d turned eight months, however, it had lots of friends. Baby Boy, who started getting teeth early, had eight teeth at eight months and I kept getting questions about breastfeeding a baby with teeth.

But it’s no different than without teeth. It’s perfectly fine to continue breastfeeding baby despite teeth appearing, and the horror stories I’ve heard in the past have not been relevant in my case. 

He may bite my shoulder when he’s hungry, which is not brilliant, but he doesn’t tend to bite during feeds. I still found breastfeeding super convenient and stress-free, and the only challenge I have with all his teeth is introducing good tooth brushing routines without tears. 

Go Baby Boy!

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One Response to Continuing breastfeeding after baby gets teeth

  1. mummybear says:

    This is good to know! I am awaiting the first tooth with trepidation..

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