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Growing up

Published on July 12th, 2018 | 915 Views


Celebrating Disney Pixar’s Incredibles 2 coming to UK cinemas

‘Look, mummy! It’s the funny baby!’

In the past week there’s one funny baby we’ve kept seeing. We’ve seen him on YouTube and in pictures, and we’ve seen his parents on billboards across the city. It’s Jack-Jack who’s become the topic of conversation in our family.

Jack-Jack had us laugh and giggle the other Sunday morning when we had been invited to a preview screening of Incredibles 2 at Leicester Square, and for us seeing the unique baby in the new Disney Pixar animated superhero film was one of the reasons we found the sequel to The Incredibles to be brilliantly funny.

The new Incredibles 2 hits UK cinemas on Friday 13 July, and it sees the return of the kind and well-meaning superhero family, including parents Mr Incredible and Elastigirl.

This time it is Elastigirl who goes out to fight crime and improve the reputation of superheroes, while Mr Incredible takes on the challenging role of being a stay-at-home dad, struggling his way through boyfriend trouble, homework struggles and sleep deprivation.

The fast-paced film with a strong and hard-working female character had us both laughing and smiling, and it was great to see the twist about the changing gender roles. During the more frightening parts, little ones chose to look away, and I’m not surprised they did, as at one point, an action scene made me jump too.

Packed to the rim with funny characters and dialogue–as well as plenty of superhero action–this animation can have children of many ages glued to the cinema screen this summer!

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