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Mummy-time Rachel Arvanitis Sky Baby

Published on February 27th, 2015 | 1274 Views


Celebrating inspiring mumpreneur behind SkyBaby

When I was asked to participate in fashion brand and retailer Atterley Road’s ARWOMAN campaign celebrating amazing women, I instantly wanted to take the opportunity to write about someone in the baby industry who I find really inspiring.

After having our baby daughter Daddy T and I have often been joking around about products we wished existed on today’s market, and I’ve always found it inspiring when I’ve heard about mums identifying a fantastic product idea and getting that new product into production.

That’s why I feel really lucky to know Rachel, the mumpreneur behind mini travel mattress SkyBaby, which I’ve taken to the Nordic market after testing it on Mummy in the City back in 2012.

After regularly travelling with her own daughters, Rachel realised how difficult it could be to create a safe and comfortable sleeping environment for babies when having them in the lap, and she spotted a need for a product like SkyBaby to make it easier to travel with under 2s. Together with her engineer husband she designed the light and functional SkyBaby mattress, and went through the tough process of having the product produced, tested and taken to market.

She launched SkyBaby in 2013, and the product was soon nominated for several awards, and SkyBaby is now sold internationally.

I find it extremely inspiring to know someone like Rachel, who has done what so many mums want to do – identified a gap in the baby market, created a fantastic product making life easier for other parents, and juggle motherhood and business in the process.

And if this wasn’t enough, Rachel is also extremely caring, and I was truly touched by her kindness when she earlier this year sent me a surprise Mother Gift Box from Neal’s Yard because she remembered how hard it could be to be pregnant with a second one when looking after a toddler.

Pretty special!

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