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Growing up

Published on September 1st, 2018 | 1582 Views


Celebrating Luis And The Aliens coming to UK cinemas

The other day we spent an afternoon making aliens out of PlayDough. Both children could join in and it seemed to be exactly what we needed for a quiet day at home after a busy summer holiday–and for preparing for a screening of Warner Bros’s Luis And The Aliens.

We had been invited to a preview screening of children’s animation Luis And The Aliens, which hit UK cinemas last weekend, and before the event we had received an activity bundle with PlayDough, headbands and alien-colouring to celebrate the film.

The day after building our new models and discussing who could colour-in what alien, we turned up at a Marylebone cinema dressed in blinking alien headbands, all set for collapsing onto a couch and watching an entertaining movie with the children.

Luis And The Aliens is about 12-year-old Luis, an outsider in school, who is living with a UFO-obsessed dad. When three funny aliens land in front of their house Luis is the first to meet them and he befriends them without telling his dad–who would want to blast them with a homemade ‘shockfrost’ gun if he knew they were there.

Apart from worrying about hiding the aliens from his dad, Luis also faces the challenge of being chased by his headmaster and a creepy lady, who runs a home for problem children. She wants to prove that Luis’s father is incapable of looking after his son, and this plot and her terrifying looks and moves meant there were some scenes the children found scary.

Our favourite characters were the quirky and loveable aliens, who had gone to Earth to get their hands on a massage chair. A fun twist that had us giggling!

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