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Growing up

Published on February 4th, 2019 | 1812 Views


Celebrating Mary Poppins Returns with crafts and dance

On Monday, Daddy T commented that he felt it looked like the house was turned upside down. There was silver paint on the floor and pieces of orange and red-coloured tissue paper scattered around. In the background, there was a YouTube video playing, and on the table there were three, long, decorated cardboard tubes in different colours.

While he had been out, I had organised a Mary Poppins Returns afternoon, where activities had included making pretend lamplighter poles and learning a new dance.

We found cardboard tubes inside wrapping paper, and painted them in the colours of our choice. Since lamplighters like Jack in Mary Poppins Returns used the poles to light up street lamps at night, we added a little spark to the end of ours by using orange and red tissue paper.

After the poles were finished, we turned on a YouTube video to find the dance choreography for Trip a Little Light Fantastic from Mary Poppins Returns. In the film, a group of lamplighters dance in the street with their poles, and we could copy some of the moves and use our homemade cardboard tubes as props.

A brilliantly fun way to finish the day!

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