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Mummy-time Pancake Day Savoury Cheese Ham

Published on February 17th, 2015 | 970 Views


Celebrating Pancake Day with savoury ham and cheese pancakes

Pancake Recipe LactofreeI’m not sure Baby Girl knows what a pancake is yet, as it’s not something we tend to have at home. But that has to change as of today. We’re not going to miss out on an opportunity to celebrate a big occasion like Pancake Day 2015!

Since Mummy in the City is a brand ambassador for the Lactofree series of dairy products free from lactose, we were excited to receive a few products to get us started, and I used the recipe library on the Lactofree website to find a straightforward pancake recipe (see below).

We did a dry-run last night, and the result was a yummy savoury pancake with cheese, ham, cherry tomatoes and ruccola (see above). It’s super quick and easy, and there’s really no reason not to get involved in today’s celebrations and teach Baby Girl the definition of the word pancake.

Happy Pancake Day!

Pancake recipe:
100g plain flour
1 egg
450ml Lactofree semi-skimmed milk

Choose between a sweet or savoury topping, depending on what time of day you’re celebrating Pancake Day, but for a lovely savoury pancake Lactofree Mature Cheddar Cheese and cooked ham worked well together.

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