Changing nappies on my own
I’ve had to learn how to change a nappy this week. This was Daddy T’s responsibility in the first two weeks, but with him now being back at work, I have to survive on my own.
I’ve also had to learn to burp Baby Girl, and I’ve had to start remembering to time feeds and take a note of which breast I start the feeds on
And it’s tough. I called Grandma N earlier in the week to complain that taking care of Baby Girl feels like a two-person job. She disagreed, and told me to get a grip.
The good news though is that I think I’m starting to get a hang of Daddy T’s tasks. On Monday, I got myself ready by downloading the Total Baby app, which a friend had recommended. I used it to record all the feeds and nappy changes, something Daddy T had written down in a notebook when he was in charge.
The only thing I think I still need to perfect is my nappy changing skills. Baby Girl pooed on me for the first time yesterday, and it probably wasn’t her fault. It might have been mine.
Those nappies were a lot easier to deal with when we were practising on dolls at our New Baby Company antenatal course. At least I never came home from those classes with poo on my white tops.