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Growing up

Published on February 8th, 2016 | 1681 Views


Celebrating Chinese New Year with Chinese patterns to colour

Chinese patterns to colour‘You must make a card for your children when it’s Chinese New Year, mummy.
Did you not know that?
That’s what mummies do on Chinese New Year’

After three-year-old Big Girl asked me to explain the exact location of the International Space Station over the weekend, she seems to have figured out I don’t know everything and can easily be bluffed. Today she decided she wanted me to make her a card to celebrate Chinese New Year, and she was desperately trying to persuade me that this was what all mums were up to today.

I’m not sure about her latest statement, but I generally continue to be amazed with how much she learns, and this week it’s all about Chinese New Year.

To get in the spirit, she started the day by colouring in an emperor in Chinese patterns to colour (Usborne, £5.99), an advanced colouring book we received to review.

Right now, the book is more for me than her. In fact, mums who’re passionate about the current trend in adult colouring books with intricate illustrations and also enjoy learning about Chinese history will like Chinese patterns to colour.

The book, which is also suitable for older children and budding artists, features black and white illustrations with the colours, patterns and symbols of the ancient Chinese, and each page also includes factual information about history and the crafts developed thousands of years ago. A great arty read for the week.

Happy Chinese New Year!

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