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Published on April 2nd, 2013 | 928 Views


Cooking for a fussy baby

BabycookI think Baby Girl has had a good Easter. Not only because she found a chocolate Easter egg to put in her basket at her first ever Easter egg hunt on Sunday. She also surprisingly seemed to enjoy the Easter dinner I cooked for her.

I finally found some time to open my Annabel Karmel Complete First Year Planner book and learn how to use our Beaba Babycook. I’ve had big plans for cooking more for Baby Girl, but I’ve been demotivated by the fact that she’s not really eating much at all.

I bought the Babycook because it can be used for defrosting and reheating food as well as steaming and blending, and we don’t have a microwave oven. I assumed I would be using it all the time and invested in the Duo version, but it’s not before now that I’ve needed the two jugs that come with Babycook Duo.

Over Easter I made an advanced vegetable puree following an Annabel Karmel recipe, and Baby Girl seemed to really like it. It was very exciting, and with her suddenly showing an interest in food, I made her some steamed pear mixed with greek yoghurt for dessert. What a weekend.

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2 Responses to Cooking for a fussy baby

  1. auntiejanola says:

    My little ones eat EVERYTHING so I never understood the problems of having a fussy baby – I hope she changes her eating habits when she is older!

    • Tine says:

      I hope so too! It’s very stressful to see all the other babies at the same age swallowing everything that’s given to them. I wish mealtimes had been easier..

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