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Published on May 7th, 2014 | 956 Views


Cool personalised gift ideas for Father’s Day

It seems like Mother’s Day was only yesterday, but it’s already time to prepare a special treat for Father’s Day on Sunday 15 June. A friend suggested sending the guys out for a round of golf for once, which sounded like a brilliant idea, but I’m sure Baby Girl also wants to give Daddy T something special on this very important day.


Frame the children’s masterpiece in a personalised art frame 
After receiving a sample of the A3 personalised art frame, one of the Father’s Day gifts from My 1st Years, we’ve come up with a great plan, which I’m sure he’ll love.

Baby Girl, who is very into painting, drawing and sticking, will create a masterpiece we can easily insert into the art frame, which we’ve chosen to personalise with ‘Believe in Magic’.  We could have had Baby Girl’s name and date on the frame too (see picture), but I thought it was fun to include a special message to Daddy T on his frame instead. My 1st Years offers a selection of gifts for dads for Father’s Day.

Create silver cufflinks with the children’s fingerprints 
Yesterday Baby Girl and I had been invited down to the lovely Sammy Duder studio in Battersea, where you can make your own pottery, silver jewellery and clay imprints. For Father’s Day, I think it would be very cool to create adorable round, oval or square-shaped cufflinks (see picture above) with a little one’s fingerprint, or miniaturised hand or footprint (£115 a pair plus a £5 studio fee). The cufflinks can also fit several siblings.

If you want to surprise dad with this special present on Father’s Day, book your session soon, as they usually take a month to make (but can sometimes be done quicker in the run up to Father’s Day).

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