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Published on August 19th, 2012 | 778 Views


Coping with the last stages of pregnancy

Sleep already seems to be a thing of the past. I know I’m meant to try to get enough sleep now before Baby Girl is born, but it is practically impossible.

I’ve become what my acupuncturist would call ‘damp’. I feel hot, but my skin is often still cold to touch. Daddy T, who used to be the damp one in our relationship, is lying next to me freezing, while the bed linen on my side of the bed is so wet that I on one occasion even wondered if my water had broken.

It’s actually quite disgusting. But it’s best not to be squeamish. As of later this week, I realise I’ll be dealing with heavy bleeding, sore nipples and nappies with tart-like content.

Wet bed linen will probably seem like a natural topic to bring up in a water-cooler chat in the office after this experience.

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3 Responses to Coping with the last stages of pregnancy

  1. Baby knowledge says:

    It’s so true, a typical conversation will include topics such as baby poo, baby sick and of course, intimate details of your birth story and recovery… Stitches, piles, tears and bleeding. Its all so worth it though, if it wasnt, everyone would only have one baby each! All the best for your birth and your new born baby. Angie.

  2. Baby knowledge says:

    I left a comment on this blog post last year that was both sincere and honest. Unfortunately I have been instructed to ask for any links back to my site (baby knowledge) via blog comments to be deleted. I would really appreciate it and be delighted if you could delete the link but keep my original comment on your page.

    I hope you understand and are able to help me out with this.

    Many thanks,


  3. Tine says:

    That’s all done for you, Angie!

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