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Growing up

Published on March 8th, 2017 | 1078 Views


When dad joins in on the morning routine

‘I’m not doing this again’

Daddy T was not a happy bunny when he joined us on the school run this morning.

Big Girl was upset because Daddy T had carried Baby Boy’s scooter out the door, which he didn’t know was her responsibility in the morning. Baby Boy was crying because he wanted Daddy T to pull him on the scooter and not me.

It was just another day with a four year old and a one year old in tow, but it’s seldom a very relaxing start to the day.

I can see that it’s a stark contrast to a stroll to the tube with pop music to listen to, and I can also see that it’s difficult to understand that today was actually a good day for us.

Although Daddy T found the experience stressful, we managed to avoid any arguments about stacks of toys coming along on the school run, and we didn’t have to go back in to change a nappy after having put on our shoes.

This success led to us leaving the house 15 minutes earlier than when I feel I’m late, so we could actually walk and not sprint today.

Woohoo. What an achievement.

I think I really need to manage Daddy T’s expectations if he gets a chance to join us on the school run again some time.

It simply is more stressful than getting to the office.

(The picture of the children scooting is by Tekla from Bear and Pine)

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