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Mummy-time BabyBjorn Changing Bag Sofo Dad

Published on June 22nd, 2015 | 1257 Views


When dad starts asking for a unisex changing bag

BabyBjorn Changing Bag SofoDaddy T has tried out a new life in the last week, swapping long days in the City with driving around South West London to do fairy dance, Monkey Music and play dates.

After a day of paternity leave and looking after Baby Girl while I was home with baby, he soon realised he needed somewhere to pack big girl pants, tights, dress, snacks, water bottle, anti-bacterial wipes, valuables and more, and I had a feeling he wasn’t too keen on going back to what he’d done last time he and Baby Girl had been on an excursion and he’d ended up walking around Battersea Park Children’s Zoo with my burgundy Goyard bag.

By Tuesday, however, Daddy T looked like a truly modern dad. That day he didn’t have a carry bag, but turned up at the playground with a brand new messenger-style unisex changing bag, we’d received to review. I had packed the BabyBjorn Changing Bag SoFo for him, a new summer launch from BabyBjorn, which I’d loved the sound of as I’d known it would be a bag Daddy T would be more comfortable with than the Goyard one.

BabyBjorn Changing Bag SoFo, which can be carried as a cross-body bag, as well as a backpack and tote, can be used by anyone looking after baby, and it is appropriately named after one of Stockholm’s cool neighbourhoods SoFo in Soedermalm.

The grey bag with purple lining has 13 different pockets to store keys, wallet, phone, baby essentials and everything a parent needs to carry around, including specific compartments for bottles, food jars, nappies and dummies. There’s also a practical machine-washable changing mat, and I was not surprised to hear the product developer working on this roomy unisex changing bag was a dad who had been on six months paternity leave and struggled to find the right bag.

The bag certainly makes Daddy T look like super dad!

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