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Published on January 26th, 2013 | 797 Views


Dance lessons for exhausted parents

Latin dance shoesDaddy T needed a boost to his immune system this week. I wasn’t going to accept that he was getting yet another cold. That’s why I felt I had to do more than make him take daily vitamin C supplements. He needed a good laugh.

We could of course have gone to a stand-up comedy show, but there was no need to. It was more than enough to get Daddy T back on the dance floor.

We had a session with our dance instructor Elena after Baby Girl had gone to bed on Tuesday evening. It didn’t take long before Daddy T forgot all about the lack of sleep and his mini-cold.

It was impossible not to laugh when we were told to just start moving around before our session started. We stood there looking at each other, hoping the other one would remember a few jive moves. I was even wearing my latin dance shoes, but that didn’t help.

It soon became clear that it probably hadn’t been a bad decision to leave Daddy T’s professional high-heeled latin dance shoes at home. He had refused to put them on, which actually means it’s fine for him to feel poorly another time too. We’ll just bring his shoes next time to be absolutely sure we’ll have the time of our lives.

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