No, thanks

♡ London

Published on May 18th, 2014 | 623 Views


The day no one took an iPad lying in a South Kensington street

‘Did we lose the iPad on the way?’
‘What? Why didn’t you say anything?’
‘Did it look like mummy didn’t have time to stop and pick it up?’

Baby Girl and I were caught in a rainstorm in South Kensington without umbrellas and raincoats last week, so I picked up Baby Girl and made a run for the car with Baby Girl on one arm and my large tote filled to the rim on the other.  I knew I’d packed the iPad, but when we reached the car I couldn’t find it anywhere, which is pretty unusual for us, as we’re using the big orange iGuy iPad cover.

The good news was that Baby Girl is generally quite good at answering yes and no questions now, so I felt I could trust her when she said we’d dropped it somewhere. The bad news was that she couldn’t exactly explain where we’d dropped it.

I first tried looking down the street we’d come from, but there was no orange in sight, so I quickly rushed into the car and turned down the next one-way street to get back where we’d come from.

It didn’t take too long before we found the orange iGuy cover and iPad lying on the corner of Brompton Road and Alexander Place without any scratches or marks.

Thank you, London!

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