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Published on February 28th, 2013 | 801 Views


Daytime flights with baby

Plastic toy jet planeDaddy T and Baby Girl were not on the same page on Monday. We had a daytime flight from Dubai to London, and Daddy T was convinced Baby Girl would want to catch up on sleep and sleep for seven hours on the plane.

His expectations for the journey were clearly a bit different from Baby Girl’s and mine. As soon as we’d boarded and found our seats, he was looking up new film releases in the in-flight magazine. We were unpacking toys and looking through Baby Girl’s buggy book collection.

But according to Daddy T, we wouldn’t really need them. His view was that since many adults like to get some extra rest when flying, babies must like it too.  He even assumed Baby Girl would take a dreamfeed when waking up from her lunchtime nap somewhere above the Alps.

I’m really not sure who he thought we were travelling with though. The one I had on her SkyBaby in my lap is true to herself whether she’s mid-air or on the ground – she just needs a full-time entertainer during the day in both places.

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2 Responses to Daytime flights with baby

  1. My dad had similar expectations on a flight back to Dubai from London with Mum and me. He was a bit surprised that he wasn’t able to watch three films back to back…

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