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Published on June 21st, 2016 | 1699 Views


New Ella’s Kitchen cereals bring more choice to UK baby breakfast market

Baby Boy porridgeWhen Baby Boy was unwell over Christmas and we were travelling, the local doctor commented that it looked like our big baby enjoyed his baby porridge. But Baby Boy hadn’t really had any baby porridge at all. I hadn’t found any products I loved in the UK, and plain baby rice, which is popular for weaning, didn’t seem to be a winner with him.

After the doctor’s comment, however, I started buying baby porridge in the local shop. It turned out he was happy to eat large portions of his new baby porridge, and back in London I managed to find a similar style porridge he would eat in a specialist shop.

I spoke to other mums about our experience, and several of us agreed there seemed to be a gap in the UK market for a range of porridges appropriate for weaning and beyond. That’s why I wasn’t surprised to hear Ella’s Kitchen announcing a relaunch of their organic cereals range this spring.

Ellas Kitchen Cereal

Ellas Kitchen Weaning PorridgeBaby Boy received samples and tableware from Ella’s Kitchen, excited to take on the challenge to try out the four brand new Ella’s Kitchen cereal products. With a variety of tastes and textures, the range covers the different phases of weaning, starting with Banana Multigrain Baby Rice or Carrot Multigrain Baby Rice and continuing on to Strawberry and Raspberry Porridge and Banana and Cinnamon Muesli.

Baby Boy’s favourite is the Ella’s Kitchen Strawberry and Raspberry Porridge, suitable from seven months, and it includes some round, crispy bits, which he first spit out, but now appears to enjoy. This porridge is more similar to what we’ve previously bought from other European baby food brands, and I’m excited to have found an organic pack from Ella’s Kitchen to get his mornings off to a good start.

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One Response to New Ella’s Kitchen cereals bring more choice to UK baby breakfast market

  1. Simi says:

    Lovely to hear that you recommend these, my son has just begun the transition to solids, so I have started him on single veg and fruit before we move onto meals, so far so good as I spoke about here so am very pleased.

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