Encouraging baby to eat more solids
Baby Girl already knows how to get to where she wants to go. She may not be crawling yet, but it doesn’t really matter. All she needs is easily manipulated parents. Yesterday I suddenly found myself in a cab, rushing to get to family club Purple Dragon.
It had been Daddy T’s suggestion. Baby Girl had refused to eat lunch at home, and Daddy T, who’s is also getting increasingly stressed with our lack of success in introducing solids, asked me to get her to Purple Dragon fast to buy her a different puree before she got tired again.
Baby Girl, who is seven months next week, has a vegetable puree every day at around 11 o’clock, but she’s still not eating very many spoonfuls, which makes us both worry. When she clearly disliked the one she had at home yesterday and had hardly any of it, it seemed like we had to give her something else – one of her favourites.
Her favourites happen to be the homemade purees at Purple Dragon – broccoli and potato or squash and potato. And if that’s what she wants, then that’s what she gets.