Ensuring baby follows the nursery routine
Starting nursery is hard work. Not just for little ones. It’s hard work for parents too. Particularly when you find yourself carrying a buggy up several flights of stairs on a Sunday afternoon to avoid baby waking up from sounds in the lift at a time that doesn’t fit with the nursery routine.
Since Baby Girl seems to be the only one, who doesn’t want to lie down for her lunchtime nap when she is meant to nap in nursery, I figured we needed to put in some extra work over the weekend.
I hadn’t been too stressed about adapting her routine to fit in with nursery before she started, as I assumed she would be so tired by all the new impressions and activities that she would fall asleep at the same time as all the other babies.
But I made the wrong assumption. I should have made the effort earlier to ensure she was on the same routine as the one her nursery follows.
Now it’s pay-back time–for my arms.