Surviving the evening after baby’s first vaccinations
On Tuesday I had to type with one hand. It wasn’t by choice. It was simply the only way I could get on the computer after Baby Boy seemed to think he had been through a tough day.
He had been to his private GP at The Smart Clinics to get his first vaccinations, and based on his behaviour that evening, I would guess he felt having two vaccinations in his thighs were practically as traumatic as being born. He didn’t want to sleep anywhere else than in my arms. Exactly the way he was the first two nights of his life.
I had wrapped him up in a blanket and when he was fast asleep I kept trying to carefully move him away from my lap without him noticing, but every time he woke up screaming hysterically as soon as he was placed next to me instead.
It didn’t matter that there were only 10 centimetres between us. There was no way he was going to accept sleeping anywhere else than in a soft and secure lap.
Daddy T had conveniently booked work drinks that day, so I had a brilliant evening with an abundance of mummy-baby time.
Next time Baby Boy has immunisations on the agenda I’ll be better prepared and ensure I’m the one who’s out on important business. I have a feeling I will have a very important evening massage, which will be impossible to reschedule, in four weeks from now. Watch out, Daddy T!