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Pregnancy Tulip flower bouquet

Published on July 16th, 2014 | 929 Views


Surviving discussions on childbirth

I knew from early on in my pregnancy that I would be having a caesarean section, which at first made me feel very relaxed, but closer to the big day, I suddenly felt more nervous.

By that time, I’d heard several other pregnant ladies commenting they were dreading having to have a caesarean, and I’d started wondering if I’d missed any important facts despite having gone through a journal article I’d been asked to read when the initial decision was made based on medical reasons.

Although I tried to steer away from discussions on birth plans and childbirth, some have very strong views on the topic and it was easy to end up in uncomfortable conversations where I felt I had to explain my situation.

And looking back, I don’t think I had any reason to worry about recovery time despite what others were telling me.

It might not be fun to have surgery, but at least this was surgery with the added bonus of being handed my baby before being stitched up again.

Considering the amazing outcome, I don’t think there was much to complain about. My unnatural birth plan was perfectly fine for me.

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