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♡ London

Published on January 26th, 2016 | 2451 Views


A family day out at Shrek’s Adventure London

Shreks Adventure London Shrek‘I think I’ll give my Donkey some waffles at home’

Big Girl and I were sitting in a taxi with a brand new soft toy Donkey in between us after visiting Shrek’s Adventure at Southbank, which we’d been invited to try. We had bought Donkey in the gift shop by the exit, and Big Girl was convinced he would like our home because of the pretend waffles we have in our play kitchen.

During our Shrek tour we’d seen Donkey peeking through the window at the bakery asking for waffles, which made us giggle at the time. The likeable Donkey was just one of many highlights Big Girl talked about after visiting Shrek’s Adventure, which is a theatrical experience where visitors go on a trip to Far Far Away Land.

The journey starts with a bus ride, which is normally a 4D experience, but the seats were under maintenance when we visited and we were standing in the room watching the film instead. The rest of the tour is a walk, where visitors stay in a group and visit 10 rooms with storytelling and live actors. In the woods, the group meets Cinderella, who Big Girl commented ” was so funny”, and the journey continues to a fortune teller, a dark bar and other places before it eventually ends up in a creepy prison.

Preschooler Shreks Adventure London SouthbankThere’s lots to laugh about, but also narrow corridors, a dark mirror maze and a few surprises that made even me jump. Based on the group we were in, the tour seemed to be particularly fun for children aged 6 and over, and Big Girl said she was “a bit too small”.

She was not too small, however, for meeting Shrek at the end of the tour. Being welcomed back from Far Far Away Land by Shrek himself was a definite highlight, and we were both thrilled to have our picture taken with him and some of the other fun animals in the exit area.

The last stop before the exit with the gift shop was the photo desk, where we were offered to buy a book for £20 with both photos of us taken at the start of the journey and fun information.

Shrek’s Adventure opened in July 2015 and the experience takes approximately 75 minutes. Tickets are £27 per adult and £21.85 per child on the door, but online saver tickets are up to 30% less


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