Ticking off the to-do list with Fantastic Services window cleaning
The other day three-year-old Big Girl told me we had to make cupcakes for her to bring to school the next day because it would be her last day in nursery. I first tried to talk her out of it, but then felt super guilty and instead added cupcake baking to my already too long to-do list.
At the time, there was a heatwave in London, I really didn’t want us to be inside and bake, and I had organised extra childcare to be able to focus all my attention on a work project. Sometimes it’s really really hard to do everything I want to get done, and that’s why I’m very happy to outsource where possible.
One of the things I realise I most definitely need help with is window cleaning, which is nice to have done over the summer months. I booked window cleaning with Fantastic Services last year, and I’ve now had an opportunity to try the service again to review.
The window cleaner can easily access all our windows in our London house by using their special equipment, and shiny windows appear to give the house a mini face-lift. The weather was dreadful on the day I’ve booked the service, and I was worried about missing out on the instant results, but the friendly window cleaner kindly offered to call the office and help me rearrange to have the service on another day instead.
I’ve also downloaded the Fantastic Services app on my phone, and sometimes I find myself clicking on different services and dates just to check to see what’s doable. I once booked a plumber to arrive the same day via the app, and I like it because it’s quick and easy to use, giving me information about the price and an idea of how soon it could be feasible to organise a service.
Easy does it!
I like the friendly and professional teams and good value services from Fantastic Services, which is why I’ve booked services with the company several times now without reviewing too. Use Fantastic Services discount code CityMum for 10 GBP off your first booking with Fantastic Services. Minimum charges apply, and the code is not limited to M25. Valid until 31 December 2016