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Published on July 3rd, 2013 | 650 Views


Finding the best iPhone cover for mum with baby

iPhone Griffin Survivor coverWhen I tried to pay for my new iPhone cover yesterday, I was asked if I was sure I wanted something “this bulky”.  I had chosen the biggest cover in the shop, the one that looked most likely to protect my phone from life with Baby Girl.

The sales assistant, who seemed to think I would be better off with a slimmer case, told me that the cover I had gone for was good if I wanted to throw it off a cliff. But that sounded terribly convenient. I was not backing down on this one.

I used to have a pink Smythson cover, but stopped using it after Baby Girl was born because I never had time to pull out the phone from the cover. After I stopped using it, I missed the bright colour and could never locate my phone in my bag when it was ringing.

Now all my issues are solved. I am the proud owner of a pink Griffin Survivor cover–which was perhaps a teeny bit embarrassing to buy but great for a mum of a baby with a phone addiction. We love it.


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