Finding the best play mat for practising rolling
Baby Girl is a quick learner. She already knows how to get her hands on the best toys. She simply needs to make me worried. That’s how she ended up with a play mat that was seven times more expensive than the first one I looked at for her.
This time it was the rolling I was worried about. She rolled once when she was fourteen weeks old, but waited six weeks before doing it again. I was waiting and waiting, and feeling increasingly guilty about potentially failing to provide an optimal developmental environment for Baby Girl.
I ended up researching play spots and rubber mats almost every evening for weeks. At first I was mostly focused on size and colours that would suit our living room.
But as Baby Girl continued to keep me waiting, I forgot about all that. My main priority became finding a non-slip mat without any harmful chemicals. That’s why she now has a massive Dwinguler Flower Garden mat.
Her mat covers the entire open space in our living room, and it has a pink flower print. It couldn’t have been a worse match with our industrial retro pieces from The Old Cinema. But someone seems to like it. On her second time on the mat she rolled. Who cares about wooden floors anyway? Girly prints are clearly the way to go.