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Published on March 15th, 2013 | 849 Views


Finding the best smocks for messy eaters

Bibetta bibIt’s no longer just Baby Girl who has an evening routine. I have one too. But mine doesn’t include a lovely bath and a full-body massage. Mine is all about washing clothes.

With Baby Girl having started solids, I end up having to remove stains from her clothes every single day and it’s hard work. A large number of her tops now have orange or green spots.

I kind of wish Baby Girl could have potato puree every day. If all the purees were white, my life would have been so much easier.

Instead, I’m trying to cover her up in long-sleeved smocks from Baby Bjorn and Bibetta. The problem is that nothing seems to stop her from making a mess.

The Baby Bjorn Eat & Play Smock covers most of Baby Girl, but she still manages to spill on her collar when she’s wearing it, as she’s a bit too little for it yet. The Bibetta one fits well around the neck right now and the bib is practically like a wetsuit, but it’s not as long on the sides as the other one, so her thighs are in the danger zone when she’s wearing it.

I guess we just have to keep alternating between different styles to ensure her tops continue to match her bottoms – both with green and orange spots.

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2 Responses to Finding the best smocks for messy eaters

  1. Vicki Scott says:

    Oh Tine-this is so true! You will spend your life savings on Vanish!

    • Tine says:

      So it’s not just me?! Good to know! I still can’t manage to get all the stains off though. Let me know if you have any good tips for removing orange stains

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