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Published on June 12th, 2013 | 749 Views


Finding the right pre-walker shoes

Clarys white shoesMaternity leave is all about having time to find out what you love to do, and I’ve found myself a new hobby–a hobby Daddy T will be thrilled to learn more about. I love shoe shopping. Baby shoe shopping.

I’m so excited about buying shoes for Baby Girl that I couldn’t go to bed last night. Even knowing that I would have to get up and be ready to play in less than six hours, I sneaked back out of bed after Daddy T was fast asleep. I couldn’t stop thinking about baby shoes and placed an order just after midnight, making me feel a lot more content.

The reason I got so excited about shoes is that it wasn’t before this week I realised I’d missed out on a very exciting shopping opportunity. I suddenly noticed that most babies at around nine to ten months were wearing slippers or soft shoes to give them more support when standing up. My little one is still slipping around in her tights.

But not for long. She will soon be the proud owner of several pairs of Tip Toey Joey shoes in sizes 19 and 20, which I’ve been recommended by a mum of two. They’re meant to be great for pre-walkers, and I found several models on sale at Alex and Alexa.

I’ve also bought some Mary Jane shoes by Clarys from Trotters, as I’ve spotted several local little girls wear these in different colours. I’m assuming they must be good. And Baby Girl is back on track.

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