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Published on February 19th, 2013 | 706 Views


Finding best toys for encouraging baby to crawl

Baby toys to crawlDaddy T doesn’t see how it can be necessary to do four hours of research to spend less than £25. I’m not sure I understand it either. But I still end up doing it again and again because I always want to ensure Baby Girl has what’s best for her.

On Sunday, I spent hours looking for new developmental toys. After Baby Girl started rolling both ways, she suddenly became a lot more mobile, and it looked like she needed a few new toys suitable for six-month olds.

The problem was that there’s too much choice – and too much to read. I read guides to different age groups. I looked up results from past toy awards and read reviews of bestselling toys.

The key was to find something to encourage crawling, but the thought that Baby Girl would be relying on this purchase to meet her developmental targets was terribly stressful.

Rattles and teethers would no longer do. I realised she needed an activity ball and a toy that could move. That took me three and a half hours to figure out. The next half hour was spent giving Daddy T a full overview of the situation, including why I liked Follow Me Fred and the Spin-Ball from Tiny Love.

It was too stressful to be solely responsible for this major decision concerning Baby Girl’s developmental toy selection. Somehow it helped to have Daddy T glance over and utter a sound. Fred it is then.

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