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Published on September 17th, 2013 | 934 Views


First aid course for new parents

First aid kit isolatedI have a feeling I have to break a promise. I had promised Baby Girl no more vaccinations for a while after the MMR, but I’ve just realised ‘a while’ is going to be around one month.

I attended the Lulubaby First Aid course yesterday–a course I had been invited to for free–and by the end of the three-hour session I didn’t only feel more confident about how to cope with common health issues, but I had also decided I wanted Baby Girl to have the chicken pox vaccination.

The course, which is held in Lulubaby-founder Louisa’s beautiful home in Fulham, is run by a local GP. It is ideal for first-time mums who want to learn a little bit about everything related to coping with accidents, treating common symptoms in babies and when to seek medical advice.

The course–£55 per person–covers a variety of topics such as what to add to a medicine cupboard when preparing for a new arrival, how to treat nappy rash and cradle cap, signs of serious illnesses, burns, choking and allergic reactions. There is no training mannequin, a Resusci Annie to practise CPR, but CPR is still covered in detail. (NOTE: This has changed since this post was written, and there are now Resusci Baby Anne dolls to practise CPR skills on)

And finally, there’s chicken pox.

And I realised we can’t risk being isolated for several weeks. No nursery, no pilates, no Purple Dragon, and more importantly, no time to work. Chicken pox is not for us. Not right now.

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One Response to First aid course for new parents

  1. Tine says:

    I found at yesterday that Lulubaby now has Resusci Baby Anne dolls for hands-on CPR practice for coursegoers. Tine

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