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Growing up

Published on July 3rd, 2014 | 1097 Views


Review: First step to potty training with BabyBjörn potty chair

Someone in our family has been spending a lot of time on a potty lately. She’s around 36cm tall and her name is Emma. She’s Baby Girl’s Corolle doll who came with her own potty, and she’s become an expert at using it.

We’ve placed Emma’s potty in the bathroom next to a brand new pink BabyBjörn potty chair, which we’ve received as a sample to review.

Baby Girl is coming up to two years, and getting the potty chair, becoming used to seeing it and understanding what it is for are our first steps on the way to potty training.

The BabyBjörn potty chair, which I asked to review after researching potties online and deciding this was my favourite product on the market, has already become a popular feature in the bathroom. We’ve all tried sitting on it, and it’s like a little chair, which looks comfortable for little ones, as it has back support.

I like the classic, functional Scandinavian design, and the fact that it comes in different colours to suit boys and girls–or simply blend in to the bathroom.

For now, it’s a great place to sit and wait while I have a shower and Emma is busy on her potty.

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