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Published on January 8th, 2013 | 1049 Views


How to enjoy flying with baby

Daddy T joked that it looked like I was going backpacking when we boarded the flight to Tampa last Sunday. And I’m not a backpacking type of person. But this time I was perfectly fine with my new image. It was all for Baby Girl.

We had received a SkyBaby bed for free to test, and the little bed looks like a tiny sleeping bag when it’s in its cover. It has a clip and can easily be attached to another bag, so I had the compact bed hanging from my Anya Hindmarch changing bag.

As soon as we had boarded though, we took it out and put Baby Girl on the padded bed, which is designed to make it easier and more comfortable to travel with young babies when they have to sleep in a parent’s lap.

It worked. It was my fifth trip with Baby Girl, and it freed up my arms, which made the flight much more enjoyable. Instead of using my arm as a cushion, Baby Girl was on the comfy bed in my lap with the seat belt strapped around the SkyBaby wings that fold around baby’s tummy. This meant the seat belt didn’t have to touch her clothes either.

She seemed to love flying on her new bed. She slept for two and a half hours straight at lunchtime. I moved her to the bassinet provided onboard a few times, but the seat belt sign was on and off several times, meaning she had to be in my lap and SkyBaby made it very easy to move a sleeping Baby Girl from the bassinet to the lap and back to the bassinet again.

And it looks like we’ll be using BabyGirl’s on-the go bed a lot now. She did so well that Daddy T, who was worried about the nine-hour long flight to Tampa with a refluxy Baby Girl, is now eager to go on more trips. What a star.

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6 Responses to How to enjoy flying with baby

  1. Pingback: Flying long-haul with baby

  2. Claire says:

    I know you wrote this post more tan a year and a half ago but I was wondering how old was your baby girl when you travelled with her and used the sky baby. Thanks

    • Tine says:

      Hi Claire, She was 4.5 months the first time we used SkyBaby,and we continued using SkyBaby until she was a year old. The product is designed to be used for children under 2 years old who don’t have their own seat. Since the post was written, I’ve set up a company to distribute SkyBaby in Scandinavia. I decided to do this because it’s a product we love – it made it much easier for us to travel with our little one. Good luck! Tine

      • Claire says:

        Dear Tine, Thank you so much for your reply. My daughter will be 10-11 months when we will be travelling from Milan to Paris (just 1 hour) and then from Paris to Reunion Island (11 hours)… and I will be by myself with her on the way there as my husband will join us after a week. I wanted to book a seat for her AND request a baby basket but it is not possible to do both. I will therefore choose the baby basket but wanted to have a few different solutions should it not go well… I live in Switzerland, should I contact the represent ant here?

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