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Travel Airplane window travel

Published on August 30th, 2016 | 1585 Views


What to expect when flying with toddler

The other day I had the giggles while Baby Boy was lying in my lap screaming. It was really not funny at all, as we were on a plane and I knew people around were watching.

But I felt powerless and just couldn’t help giggling. I also remember how I used to feel about sitting near loud families on planes before having kids myself and I knew people were getting worried.

We weren’t even airborne and fellow passengers were probably thinking they would have several hours of a toddler going crazy on row 12. I knew he was just about to fall asleep, however, and the crying would only last a few minutes, which is why I was very chilled and tried rocking him in my arms.

It was not before the second time the crew came over to ask if they could get us milk, crayons, or help me with anything that I realised it had perhaps been a bit longer than two minutes and I stopped smiling. I really needed Baby Boy to be quiet as it was getting embarrassing.

And he must have read my mind.
He suddenly snapped out of it and had a bottle of milk and fell asleep.

Bliss for everyone on that Airbus A319!

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