Getting ready for back to school for mum
Book an at-home massage
I’m not quite sure why I thought it would be a brilliant idea for me to go away with two children on my own for a couple of weeks. It wasn’t the most relaxing holiday I’ve had. I’m now back home feeling utterly exhausted. In fact, my whole body is aching, so I can’t wait to do a review of a massage with Joanna Cooper from Home Spa London later this week. An evening massage is something I felt I could fit in even with a newborn at home.
Get a manicure
I had an at-home manicure with London’s Gloss+Polish, which I’d won in a prize draw, before going on holiday, and I can’t wait to book another appointment now that I’m back. The new gel manicure offering worked brilliantly, and I love that the gel manicure lasts longer than normal manicures–very time efficient for busy mums.
Find a babysitter and plan a date night
Being back in London, I would love to go for dinner at The Sands End with Daddy T. It’s one of the things I’ve missed the most this summer, and that’s why I’m glad to now know several wonderful babysitters. We’ve often used Babysitters of Kensington and Chelsea (BOKAC), and the babysitters I’ve met through BOKAC have seemed reliable, polite and trustworthy.