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Published on April 5th, 2013 | 706 Views


Getting used to early mornings with baby

Nursery - cushionsEarlier this year I attended a sleep seminar with Vicki Scott from New Baby Company, and one of the things she talked about was the importance of ensuring the day starts at the same time every day.

This has never really been an issue for us though. Baby Girl has simply not made it possible for it to become an issue. Even when the clocks moved forward on Sunday Baby Girl somehow knew the new time. There was no way she was going to let me sneak in a few extra minutes of sleep. At 6.55 my ‘live’ alarm clock went off.

But yesterday there was something wrong with the clock. It appeared to be turned off. For once, I woke up feeling refreshed, and when I leaned over to check the time on my phone it was 8.05. Next to me was the now not-so-reliable alarm clock–my Baby Girl who had her first ever lie-in.

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One Response to Getting used to early mornings with baby

  1. Alexandra says:

    Oh, glad to hear you could have one sleep-in! I am very unhappy person when lacking sleep, I usually have to take a nap during the day when I wake up so early!

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