Published on January 19th, 2015 | 897 Views
0Growing up with more than one language in London
‘I need my bubble jacket’
When we were heading out the other day 28-month-old Baby Girl made me laugh. She needed her “bubble jacket” – a direct translation of the Norwegian word I use for her winter coat. She, like extremely many other young Londoners, is growing up with two languages, and it’s been fascinating to witness how little ones can learn several languages simultaneously.
I feel I practically have a live dictionary at home. In recent weeks, I’ve noticed Baby Girl loves translating words to English even if she’s repeating something I say in Norwegian. She clearly understands both languages, but since she speaks English in nursery I’m not surprised she appears to have a preference for English.
I just love the fact that she speaks English with a truly British accent, as she keeps making me smile. One of her first expressions was “Oh dear”, and one of her favourite sentences now appears to be: “You’re most welcome, mummy”.
I’m not too worried about the fact that she usually replies in English – or English with a few Norwegian words thrown in – if I ask her a question in Norwegian. When she can translate “bubble” and “jacket” she clearly gets it. Right now, I simply want her to keep putting a smile on my face!