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Mummy-time Cherry Blossom Flowers

Published on March 24th, 2017 | 997 Views


Happy Mother’s Day weekend!

NinaEarlier this year I was asked to contribute to the We Bloomin’ Love You Mum eBook by Jardin Blanc @ RHS Chelsea Flower Show, writing about how my own mum has inspired me. The book is aimed at celebrating mothers this Mother’s Day, and here is my submission to the book:

After becoming a mum myself I feel more and more impressed with what my own mum has achieved, and how she’s managed to succeed in all areas of life. She’s always been incredibly hard working, juggling a career as a dentist with having two kids and a husband who was regularly travelling and working evenings when my brother and I were little.

From growing up I don’t only remember my mum as the one who was cooking at home, but also the one who was doing just about everything else, including mowing the lawn. I think she’s set a fantastic role model for me, teaching me resilience and great work ethics.

I admire her desire to pursue her career goals and returning to work eight weeks after having a baby to secure the job that was right for her at the time, and after having children myself I can see this must have been so tough. She never wanted help either–not even a cleaner.

But despite constantly multitasking I remember my mum always being available when I needed her to simply be a caring mum and not only a positive role model for the next generation. As a teenager there were most definitely times when I needed someone to pick me up, such as when I was heartbroken and she took me clothes shopping and booked a hairdressing appointment for me.

Looking back, some of my best memories of growing up are from time together with my family, and that often involved having guests over too. Now I’m always asked by some mums why I put myself through inviting families over to do Christmas crafts every year, but because of my mum, I remember these types of family workshops as truly happy memories from my own childhood.

In fact, my mum has always been an amazing hostess, and her welcoming attitude and desire to invite friends over for anything from Scandinavian Fastelavn celebrations to teddy-bear making has made social gatherings in our house not only seem like an essential part of everyday life, but also something I hope will create memories that will make my own children smile.

READER OFFER: Jardin Blanc @ RHS Chelsea Flower Show offers a range of VIP experiences, which can make lovely surprises for mums for Mother’s Day. Use discount code MOTHER10 for bookings for Saturday 27 May. Chef Raymond Blanc will treat guests to cookery demonstrations on that Saturday. The code is valid until 5 April

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