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Published on August 12th, 2013 | 788 Views


Helping baby cope with separation anxiety

Baby BlocksI’m writing this from the crèche at the gym. It’s not where I was planning to spend a Sunday afternoon, but I’m not the one in charge now. Baby Girl is.

After a disastrous start to my post-holiday exercise regime, I realised there was no point continuing doing what I wanted to do. My plan was to get back into an exercise regime while she had fun playing in the on-site creche, but so far I’ve had less than 30 minutes to burn off the dozens of pain au chocolates I managed to consume in three weeks in France.

On Tuesday, I was meant to have a one-hour PT session, but a creche assistant came to get me midway through. Eleven-months old Baby Girl seemed very upset about me having left her in the creche. She was practically shaking when I arrived, and although the crying stopped soon afterwards, I didn’t manage to get back to my workout.

But the one bad experience hasn’t stopped us going to the gym. It has just changed our reasons for going. We’re no longer going there for me to get back into my routine. We’re going there for Baby Girl to get back into hers.

My new plan is to sit in the creche together with her for a few more times, and then eventually she might get familiar with the place again, and be fine with playing with the creche assistants for long enough for me to survive the walk back to the gym floor. Fingers crossed.


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