Published on January 4th, 2013 | 885 Views
0Holiday playtime essentials for baby
Daddy T and I ended up having a few small arguments when packing for Baby Girl the other day. The main issue was whether to take a colourful mat for Baby Girl or not.
I wanted Baby Girl to have a fun holiday, so I had ordered the Tiny Love Super Mat from Amazon for her, which was meant to be easy to take out and about. But Daddy T didn’t see how it could be necessary to fill half a bag with a mat for Baby Girl to lie on.
According to him, she would be fine with a blanket for a week. He didn’t consider the mirror, crinkly pocket and teething toy on the mat I had bought as holiday essentials.
I wasn’t going to give in though. I clearly couldn’t admit that I had no idea the mat would be so big when I ordered it. Instead, I had to squeeze it into a plastic bag to convince Daddy T that it was much smaller than it looked.
But in the end, it was Baby Girl who convinced him. I showed her the mat and she smiled. Even Daddy T couldn’t argue with that.