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Published on August 4th, 2013 | 652 Views


Holidaying with grandparents

Broken glassesOn Tuesday, Grandma N wanted me to confirm that Baby Girl wouldn’t suddenly tear apart a book she’d pulled out of her bookshelf. I was lying on the sofa next to the bookshelf, but enjoying having someone else following Baby Girl around on the floor for a moment.

I was being lazy and didn’t feel like getting up and taking the book away from Baby Girl, so I told a white lie and assured Grandma N that she was not to worry about her books. There was no way Baby Girl would tear any book covers or make any marks.

And for once, I was right. She didn’t actually tear any book cover this time. Instead, she damaged the screen on Grandpa P’s iPad and broke his glasses in two pieces.

I have a feeling five days of holidaying together is enough for everyone.

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