How to avoid toddler tantrums in public
One day last week, we managed three hours without tantrums in the afternoon. It felt like a joy.
The reason for the huge improvement was the promise of a sticker and a prize when five stickers had been collected.
I was super committed to my new rewards system. I was carrying around a sheet of Minnie Mouse stickers, and sticking them onto Baby Girl’s cardigan as soon as she sat down in the buggy without causing a scene, then walked a few metres without sitting down in the street crying and demanding to be carried, and queued up with me in a shop without running off in the opposite direction.
Daddy T and I had attended The Parent Practice workshop on positive discipline, which we had been invited to, and I had realised I needed to make even more of an effort with my rewards scheme. It was not enough for Baby Girl to simply get sticker rewards when cooperating when I tried brushing her teeth.
We needed a much more generous rewards system, and stickers on the go were the obvious way to go for me to ensure a tantrum-free afternoon out.
Next week, I’ll try introducing a pasta jar rewards system recommended by The Parent Practice too.
Read more on promoting good behaviour in coming weeks!
READER OFFER: The Parent Practice is offering a 10% discount on all classes and workshops if you mention ‘Mummy in the City’.