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Published on October 18th, 2015 | 1988 Views


How to clean baby bottles and dummies

Cleaning Baby AccessoriesWhen Baby Boy was born and I started chucking baby bottles and dummies in the dishwasher, I was asked why I couldn’t simply fill hot water and washing-up liquid in a plastic bowl and clean bottles and dummies with a bottle brush instead. I didn’t have a great answer. And that’s why I changed my routine.

Since I started washing up all things baby in a separate bowl every day I was also excited to receive a bottle of Ecover’s new washing-up liquid to try, as it has a higher proportion of plant-based ingredients compared to many other products. I always try to stick to green cleaning products, and when cleaning baby equipment I definitely want to ensure the products I use are as safe as possible.

I’m now completely into my daily regime with a touch of green. I clean baby bottles, dummies and breast pump parts in my plastic bowl at the end of the day, put the pieces I plan to use in my Philips Avent steam steriliser and organise the other bits and bobs in a different clean bowl. It’s not exactly what I really want to do on evenings, but I’ll keep doing it for months to come.

Only the best for Baby Boy!

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One Response to How to clean baby bottles and dummies

  1. Vicki Scott says:

    Hi Tine, come to the Olympia Baby Show next week! I’ll be there for the whole 3 days with Philips AVENT!

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