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Published on February 15th, 2015 | 1540 Views


How to cope with leg cramps during pregnancy

Mustela Leg Cream Mama Mio Lucky Legs‘Oh no. Here we go again.’

I had been pretty sure it would start at some point, but I had been enjoying every night without leg cramps while being pregnant, so it was such a big disappointment when I had my first pregnancy leg cramp last week when I was 20 weeks into this journey.

I had prepared myself though. Last time I was pregnant the leg cramps also started in the second trimester, and I kept waking up every night and having to jump around the bedroom backwards. The solution eventually ended up being asking Daddy T to massage my legs at bedtime every day and apply the Lucky Legs cream from Mama Mio.

At a Christmas dinner I went to this year another pregnant friend had to get up several times to shake off cramps, and it looked so painful and reminded me of my first pregnancy, so I practically wished I’d started carrying around leg cream samples.

I had already bought the Lucky Legs cream to prepare myself for the worst. I wanted to have it ready for the day the cramps would start this time and avoid having to wait for online deliveries or call around to Harrods and Seraphine. But what I’ve realised now is that there’s more choice than last time I was pregnant, making pregnancy leg creams easier to get hold of as soon as stiff or tired legs, or cramps become an issue .

French brand  Mustela, which specialises in baby and pregnancy skincare products, has a leg cream in its pregnancy range too, and after receiving a sample and trying it now, it appears to have a similar refreshing and tinkling effect as the Mama Mio cream.

The Mustela cream is also free from parabens and phtalates, and it smells of menthol. I keep seeing Mustela in independent pharmacies in South West London now, so the benefit of the Mustela cream is that it appears to be easy to find in stores for pregnant ladies who realise there’s no point having  a decent night’s sleep ruined by jumping around backwards.

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One Response to How to cope with leg cramps during pregnancy

  1. Tine says:

    It’s also of course worth discussing leg cramps and ways to prevent pregnancy-induced leg cramps with health professionals, and I know some are then recommended magnesium supplements. A reader also added that warm weather helped her!

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