Best tips for how to dress baby or toddler for a flight
Yesterday it was all about what to wear for mums. But that tends to come second.
Here’s what’s really important – my list for what baby or toddler can wear on a flight:
Make it easy to change a nappy on the go
- dress and tights for girls or trousers that are easy to pull down for boys
- for toddlers, tops instead of bodies with buttons to close
Stay warm
- outfits with several layers are ideal for travelling
- avoid shorts and short-sleeved summer clothes on planes even when visiting warm countries, as the temperature on the plane can be very different from that on the ground
- if baby isn’t wearing a hat, keep a hat in mum’s pocket or hand luggage in case it’s very cold in the jetty and you end up having to queue in the jetty or wait there for the buggy when disembarking the plane
- travelling in a hooded jacket or cardigan makes it easy to cover the head when it’s cold in the jetty if you don’t find the hat straight away
Create a comfortable sleeping environment
- if travelling at night, consider how you can help your little one fall asleep. Do you need to bring a sleepsuit, sleeping bag, bedtime book, comforter or other item he or she would associate with sleeptime?
- pack your SkyBaby, now advertising on Mummy in the City, when travelling with baby, as this mini-mattress can make it more comfortable to have baby sleep in your lap
- ask for a cushion onboard, or use jackets to create a comfortable sleeping environment for your toddler
Read about my best tips for what to wear for mums when flying here