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Published on May 8th, 2013 | 825 Views


How to encourage baby to sleep through the night

Cot bed and changerLast week I was asked if we were doing sleep training with Baby Girl. I didn’t really think we were. But perhaps I simply hadn’t put a name on what we were doing. We were desperately praying for Baby Girl to let us sleep more.

Every night we had our fingers crossed for that night to be the night she would start sleeping through. This happened practically every night from when Baby Girl was 10 weeks old when we had heard it would be possible for babies to start sleeping  from 11 at night to 7 in the morning.

Five months later the finger-crossing trick paid off. Baby Girl did it – or in fact, she did 7pm to 6.18am.

At around the same time, Baby Girl started eating more solids and being more active because of her newfound commando crawling skills. We had one night she cried for almost 10 minutes, and one night she cried and we tried soothing her without me breastfeeding, but I failed miserably.

Still, I know she can do it now. We’ve only had one bad night in the past 10 nights.

The power of wishful thinking is clearly underestimated.

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2 Responses to How to encourage baby to sleep through the night

  1. auntiejanola says:

    That is exactly what I was going to say – keeping one’s fingers crossed may be a solution to more problems than we can ever dream of! 🙂 Glad to know Baby can sleep well, I guess not having enough sleep as a parent is the crapiest thing of all!

    • Tine says:

      It can be tough to do sleep training, and I’ve felt that she’s been hungry in the past, which is why I’ve not wanted to take other people’s advice on letting her cry. Now she’s clearly eating enough and being active enough during the day to sleep through. It makes all the difference!

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