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Getting back in shape no image

Published on August 25th, 2013 | 736 Views


How to meet housework expectations when caring for a baby

Tine beachThere are some toys I can’t see Baby Girl falling in love with any time soon. The main ones are the mini housework toys, such as a toy vacuum cleaner and a toy ironing board.

It’s not that our home looks like a complete mess all the time. It’s just during the day when Baby Girl is awake throwing Mega Bloks into the bath tub and ripping off corner cushions and edge guards wherever possible that the flat is turned upside-down.

But I don’t think Baby Girl is close to wanting to pretend to clean up her mess. She doesn’t actually see much housework being done, so she probably wouldn’t know what to do with those toys. Having a one-year old is pretty full on, and when Baby Girl is awake I generally don’t do any housework.

Instead, the goal is to get us out of the flat as early in the morning as possible, so there’s as little as possible that needs to be repaired, cleaned and fixed after she’s gone to bed in the evening.

We prefer being out and about all day, and clothes are washed, stains are removed and food is picked up from the floor – or in between the sofa cushions – between 7.30 and 8.30 at night.

This has practically become my exercise routine. Daddy T plays tennis for an hour, and I literally run around tidying at home. Both great ways to keep fit.

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