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Growing up Thomas playground

Published on October 12th, 2014 | 609 Views


How to survive shopping with a 2-year-old

‘It’s really heavy, Tine.’

‘She’s refusing to walk, and I’m carrying the groceries, the scooter, Teddy – and her!’

Daddy T seemed confused and upset on the phone. But I couldn’t stop giggling, picturing him walking out of Sainsbury’s like that.

It was not a good time to call to add a few things to their shopping list.

I was surprised they had managed to exit the shop in 30 minutes, but I was not surprised they hadn’t made it very far from the exit.

It was me who had sneakily suggested he take her with him on the scooter when he was going to pick up a few things we needed for dinner. He had happily agreed–relatively oblivious to what grocery shopping with our 2-year-old is usually like.

When I’ve missed the Ocado deadline, I’m prepared for the worst. Baby Girl seems to think it’s perfectly normal to lie down on the floor in the shop and refuse to go any further, and passersby tend to give me friendly smiles when they see all the things I end up having to carry out.

Now Daddy T knows why I don’t need to spend so much time in the gym anymore. Hanging out with Baby Girl makes for a pretty good workout.

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