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Pregnancy Weleda Calendula Baby Oil

Published on September 20th, 2015 | 3317 Views


How to treat cradle cap with Weleda Calendula Baby Oil

Before Baby Girl was born I felt I was prepared for anything. Even cradle cap, which she never got.

This time we’re ticking us through a list of skincare problems, but with two children in tow and an inconveniently timed school holiday, I’ve not been as good as I would have wanted to be at getting on top of everything – particularly cradle cap.

In fact, it wasn’t before I was emailing with the lovely Weleda PR lady that I realised what I should have tried to help fix Baby Boy’s scalp, which started looking rough at around four weeks. She explained the product they recommend is the Weleda Calendula Baby Oil, which is fragrance free and won’t irritate the scalp.

I received the oil to try, and followed her advise, putting it on fairly liberally. Baby Boy’s hair looked oily, and I was glad it wasn’t the day before his christening or another big event in baby’s life, but his hair looked better already the next morning.

I had been advised to clean a comb in boiled water and use it to gently coax off any thick cradle cap after 24 hours, and it had by then started to lift, making it easy to peel a lot of it off. I applied a little more oil though at bathtime again, and almost all of the cradle cap is now gone and I can give him a regular scalp massage with a little bit of oil every week to protect his scalp.

Phew. One more problem solved.

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