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Published on August 20th, 2013 | 808 Views


Immediate skin-to-skin after a c-section

Baby feetThis time last year Baby Girl and I were just getting to know one another. We were in theatre at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, and Baby Girl, who was a breech baby, had just been born by caesarean thirty minutes ago. After being born, she was put straight on my chest for skin-to-skin, which had been my wish despite this not always being possible after a caesarean.

But I had heard so much about skin-to-skin in relation to getting started with breastfeeding, so I was determined to do it if I managed–and it was fine. Not just fine actually. It was lovely being able to give my baby a cuddle straight after birth, and I didn’t feel nauseous or claustrophobic like I had been told I could feel after surgery.

The best thing though is that now I don’t have to speak to a consultant, or put a note in a birth plan to arrange a cuddle with my little one. She is one-year old today, still breastfed, and likes snuggling up on my lap before falling asleep. I love our life with Baby Girl.

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2 Responses to Immediate skin-to-skin after a c-section

  1. Vicki Scott says:

    Happy Birthday to you Baby Girl!xxxxx

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