Investing in large baby toys
When I was still pregnant, I met some mums who were talking about toys, and they all said they had an activity station or walker for their little ones at home. I couldn’t believe it. Large toys were not my thing.
At that point, I was dreading having to unpack the orange and purple activity gym we had bought for Baby Girl. It was going to completely ruin the look of our living room.
I had decided our baby would have to do without a playpen, we could not have any fridge art, and we would definitely not be getting a huge plastic toy like a walker or activity station.
That plan didn’t really work out. Baby Girl has a large playpen in the middle of the living room. We’ve got baby art everywhere, which I absolutely love now.
And I’d wish we had an activity station, but we were too late in realising we needed one. If I’d done it again, I would have bought Baby Girl the Baby Einstein activity station, which she’s tested at a friend’s house and absolutely loved.
It’s all about Baby Girl–and just a little bit about me wanting to keep her entertained for a few minutes without having to join in the fun.
You know what would be the best entertainment for her? A sibling! 🙂